Liquid Architecture

Investigations: Recompositions Disclaimer Inter.Sonix Poly-rhythmic


Public Assembly, Polyphonic Social at Abbotsford Convent, 2018. Photo: Keelan O’Hehir


Liquid Architecture’s ORGANISATION FUND sustains our work. This crucial investment backs our curatorial time, helps us organise with agility, opens access channels in our programming, and keeps the lights on. Our EXPERIMENTS FUND channels resources to Australian artists to develop new and experimental works. We receive donations online through PayPal (with no additional fees), and via direct deposit. Liquid Architecture is a registered cultural organisation, and donations over $2 are tax deductible. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how you can support Liquid Architecture, please contact us.

Liquid Architecture
BSB: 313 140
Account: 1220 2362



Contribute sustainably to Liquid Architecture’s publishing activities, via our PATREON account. Subscriptions support new thinking and writing on sound and listening, distributed across our journal, our podcast and more. Monthly support at any level will create a resounding impact for our work.


Using reciprocity as an approach, Liquid Architecture works with partners to expand the scope of our collaborative programming, generating new terrains of practice. We consider the sharing of labour, resources and knowledge as a collective tactic to boost the capacity of our artistic community and sector.


Liquid Architecture is supported by Australian Government through Creative Australia and its arts funding and advisory body; Victorian Government through Creative Victoria; and City of Melbourne Arts and Culture Triennial Program.


Nicholas Aloisio-Shearer, Peter Angelopoulos, Judy Annear, Miriam Arcilla, Christopher Ardley, Norman Armour, Jennifer Barry, Astrid Barta, John Bennetts, Grant Bissett, Alisa Blakeney, Amelia Borg, Robert Buckingham, Geraldine Burrowes, Pascalle Burton, Daniel Butt, Danny Butt, Ellie Buttrose, Ben Byrne, Justin Cantrell, David Chesworth, Sean Chua, Indiana Coole, Clare Cooper, Martina Copley, Timothy Coster, Carolyn Court, Claudia Craig, Jane Crappsley, Alicia Cullen, John Cumming, Fayen d’Evie, Sara Daly, Siahn Davis, Karen de Perthuis, John Denton, Lawrence English, Debris Facility, Daniel Fielding, Kelly Fliedner, Emily Floyd, Rosemary Forde, Jade Foster, Hannah Fox, Peter Fraser, Jeremy Gara, Marc Goldenfein, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Michael Graeve, Thorsten Hertog, Cat Hope, Georgia Hutchison, Corin Ileto, Susannah Jack, David Jeffery, John Wardle Architects, Miyuki Jokiranta, Konfir Kabo, Daniel Kahn, Neha Kasbekar, Philip Keir, Lichen M Kemp, Seth Kim-Cohen, Anabelle Lacroix, Shelley Lasica, Rouvin Lazar, Monica Lim, Simon Loffler, Luke Lovell, Chantelle Ly, Michelle Macklem, Maggie Maguire, Tarquin Manek, Daniel Marks, Gillian Marshall, Omar Mashaal, Stella Maynard, Sarah Mcauley, Tara McDowell, Adam McFillin, Rowan McNaught, Josephine Mead, Christof Migone, Sophie Miles, Andrew Miller, Piers Morgan, Denise Neri, Mark Nolen, Keelan O’Hehir, Sheridan Palmer Bull, Edward Parritt, Tara Prowse, Emma Ramsay, Sara Ramshaw, Sara Retallick, Mariana Ricci Faria, Naomi Riddle, Cameron Robbins, Will Robertson, Timothy Ian Roy, Kieran Ruffles, Matt Sabbadini, Aura Satz, Alexandra Segal, Lex Segal, Edward Service, Emily Siddons, Hamish Sinclair, Tania L Smith, Kris Smith, Charlie Sofo, Arthur Spathis, Brad Spolding, Joel Stern, Ian Stevenson, Emma Stewart, Damian Sullivan, Michael Szekelyhidi, Lily Tait, Jon Tjhia, Naomi Velaphi, Jason Walker, Amelia Wallin, Jennifer Walshe, Marcus Westbury, Lauren Whiffen, Karli White, SJ Wilmoth, Robert Wood, Hannah Wu, Danielle Zuvela.


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